As the rise of modern technology expands so does our vulnerability to the negative side effects they can have. Nowadays we have so much radiation and artificial (aka blue light) from all our devices. From fluorescent lights to wifi there are so many things we need to protect against. The good news there are many ways in which we can mindfully limit our exposure and use devices to counteract and block it as well.
EMF stands for electromagnetic radiation. Key word being radiation. Radiation is toxic and can cause and has been linked to a slew of health problems including but not limited to: headaches, insomnia, fatigue, depression, anxiety, dizziness, asthma, liver damage, autism, genetic damage, cancer (especially brain, breast and leukemia), erectile dysfunction, sperm defects and unfortunately the list goes on. At first thought it seems rather confusing that EMF radiation is so common place and quite literally surrounding us. How could there be something so toxic effecting us in our day to day to lives? Unfortunately taking a look back in history while reading through The Fallout of Modern Technology: Radiation Nation I was reminded of many things we have been exposed to that were toxic, some of which were even claimed to be good for us. Examples of these are things like cigarettes, asbestos and lead paint, fen-phen which was used in dietary supplements until research showed it can cause fatal heart problems. Since EMF exposure is caused purely by our advancements in technology (our mobile devices, computers, tablets, X-box’s, new cars etc) it doesn’t seem it’s going anywhere anytime soon and the regulations on this exposure is very limited. Which means it has to be just as commonplace to be protecting ourselves from it.
The first thing you can do to safe guard against EMF exposure is creating distance from it. The most important things I always look out for are smart meters and things like cell phone towers. Smart meters are those small round devices on your home our building that records the amount of electric energy you are consuming then sends it to your electricity supplier for billing. If you live or work in a place with a meter nearby it can cause really serious health issues. I have a friend who lived in an apartment with a smart meter near her bedroom and she got extremely sick and had to move. This is very real and important that you have distance from these. Most of these meters are digital now unfortunately meaning they produce a lot more radiation. If you can find an analog one that is great, you can also send a written request asking for yours to be or remain analog due the health concerns. Another concern is the new 5G that is rolling out for mobile devices. These are small boxes that you see on telephone polls and they are just as toxic. Keeping a distance from things like cellphones, computers, TVs, microwaves etc. A good rule of thumb is to keep at least as arms length and unplugging devices when you are not using them. Some of the biggest offenders regarding what a device can be submitting when plugged in but turned off are Xboxes and PlayStations. If you or your kids use these make sure to always unplug when you are not using them.

blue blocker glasses
WiFi is another important one to avoid as much as possible. You can use a wired network instead with an Eathernet cable which is safer and apparently faster when at home and work. In regards to all the fluorescent lighting, cellphone and laptop radiation it’s so important to block these. This way you can use your devices while limiting the exposure (win-win!)
I wear my blue-light blocking glasses (the red ones) that block about 99% of blue light. Staring at screens really affects our health. When the sun goes down in the evening we aren’t meant to be exposed to any of these lights, not only does it have major effects on our eye health but more importantly our endocrine health. As someone who dealt with adrenal diseases that have affected my circadian rhythm (or lack there of) I know how important it is to have your circadian rhythm in order. It affects our sleep cycle, our hormones and in turn our overall health. Using my blue-light blockers has made a big difference in my sleep and helping with headache I get from light sensitivity. I highly recommend these. Personally I’m on my phone at night and like to watch TV/movies after dinner so they’ve become a necessity. I also shield the radiation from my iPhone (one of the highest EMF mobile devices) and as well as my computer.

radiation free headphones and black iphone shield and case
I have a case on my phone that protects mostly all the radiation which is really important since talking about the cellphone has been linked to cancer, brain tumors, and really affects reproductive health in both men and women. I was always really mindful before I got my case to not have my phone on or ever really in my purse because of the affects it can have. For all my male readers who carry their phones in their pant pockets, this case is very beneficial. After researching these issues several years ago I also tell my guy friends because if you want children, you’ve got to get these little radiation emitting computers away from your crotch! And same goes for women.
I just got their headphones as well because I use headphones a lot and those send the radiation straight to the brain. This way you can work out etc and not worry. Though the air pods may seem more fashionable the exposure isn’t worth it in my opinion. Since having a rare endocrine disease (mine localizes in my adrenal glands) I have learned a lot of endocrine health and diseases. One of the most common are pituitary (small gland in brain) tumors. After meeting numerous friends in all my support groups etc over the years who have undergone brain surgery I’ve learned how important it is to protect our brain from radiation!
I used to use my computer on my lap to write all the time years ago. Since having endometriosis the last several years, reproductive health has been a huge focal point- especially fertility! If you are trying to get pregnant or are pregnant EMFs can make it more difficult and can actually affect children when they were exposed in the womb. I’ll provide links to the items I use in which I feel are most important to start with. I had a friend come over who owns a EMF detecting device to see the levels of all my devices with and without the DefenderSheild products and they really work! Barely any radiation detected with the shields. You can use JUSTINE20 and get 20% off your purchase! 🙂
EMF-free Headphones (for phone and computer, I use a lightning adapter for my phone they’re a couple bucks online)
Blue Light Blocking Glasses (I use the signature series in orange, they have ones for the daytime as well)

grounding aka earthing
These are some of my favorite products that I use daily! Getting distance from devices and using shielding are the best ways to limit the amount of radiation but limiting time with the devices, wifi etc. can also be very beneficial as well. It’s also good to be mindful how much screen time we are having. After I’m on my phone, computer even an airplane it’s great to do some grounding afterwards. Also known as earthing, you can do this by standing barefoot in the earth, in the grass, on the beach etc! This is a great way to connect to earths electrons and get your body into balance.
Another cheap tip from Anthony William, author of Medical Medium and many other informative books is to put a potato near your WiFi. It sounds silly but it can help absorb some of the EMFs. These are all preventative measures everyone should be taking especially due to the cancer statistics these days but as someone with chronic illness I find it vital. When you have an type of chronic condition your immune system is fighting harder and EMF exposure can really halt any healing process. I hope you find all these tips and information are helpful to protect yourself and your loved ones!
Check out the following book if you want to keep learning more about EMFs.
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